不是你已经变回以前的你, 而是我们渐渐的适应现在的你.
你很不同了, 不再顾人感受, 不再安慰别人, 不再牺牲小我, 完成大我的那种人了.
something has changed, in you, in me, in us. We both have different paths, have gaps, have different opinions, not supporting each other. You've screwed my words, partially ignore my ideas and no longer a chatting friends.
It's not like I hated this, it's because I was so used to the one that would think about how others feel first before yourself. I am just so CONfused and fucked up with your attitude now. The only thing that i still writing this post is I STILL care. A LOT.
Remember, you said you would sacrifice anything to gain back the friendship, to get whatever friends need, provided that you have the capability. But why are you behaved so wrong now, and very confused, blurred, awkward too.
I've saw you staring at me while I was at some other place. WHY?
I've noticed it since long ago. And you still did.. Some part of you still didn't change, did you?.