I Love You



Wednesday, April 25, 2012


不是你已经变回以前的你, 而是我们渐渐的适应现在的你.
你很不同了, 不再顾人感受, 不再安慰别人, 不再牺牲小我, 完成大我的那种人了.


something has changed, in you, in me, in us. We both have different paths, have gaps, have different opinions, not supporting each other. You've screwed my words, partially ignore my ideas and no longer a chatting friends.

It's not like I hated this, it's because I was so used to the one that would think about how others feel first before yourself. I am just so CONfused and fucked up with your attitude now. The only thing that i still writing this post is I STILL care. A LOT.

Remember, you said you would sacrifice anything to gain back the friendship, to get whatever friends need, provided that you have the capability. But why are you behaved so wrong now, and very confused, blurred, awkward too.

I've saw you staring at me while I was at some other place. WHY?  
I've noticed it since long ago. And you still did.. Some part of you still didn't change, did you?.  

Sunday, April 22, 2012


不知从何开始, 喜欢上你所喜欢的, 尝着去接受你喜欢的一切...

不过从我看完TITANIC 3D后, 就觉得人的生命是很脆落的。所以说,我们真的要珍惜眼前人。

而TITANIC的他,真的很伟大, 他做到了。

虽然会看到很心痛, 就仿佛那一千万把刀直插在心上, 也可能会哭, 但是我就是想在任性地看多那一次, 喜欢那种心痛的感觉。

就在这个时候, 我心好痛好痛~ 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Dear diary

Today is a bad starting of the week.

how many more guys I still have to deal with?
is it a wrong thing to miss you right now?
AS if I could control this mind to stop thinking about #this.guy?

Why you never started to love me back when you know I liked you.
You acted that you didn't know, continued pretending till I was forced to leave you and continued with my life.
Yeah! it is a past tense now and you said I'm hurting you?
By telling how #forever.alone.of.me and #the.break.up.stories.with.him?
Seriously, I really don't get it.
Why not bothered to start talking like this 10 years ago, you were late for a decade.
How do I supposed to accept you? 
the feeling just doesn't come right and if you still behaved like a hypocrite,
acting like you cared, what went wrong over me and just wanted to take advantage of it,
I really have no idea how our friendship is going to end.

I felt so alone, I have no one because the one that I all got 
has just left me and moved on.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

starbucks FEVER?

WELL, I guess I going to have "starbucks addiction" and this feels extremely heartaches..  *laugh* Because approximately RM20 will gone each time I buy Starbucks beverages... Oh well, I remember I was taking pre-university last time and there is a Starbucks store. Hilariously, I insisted to go to the Mac Donald beside the store rather than buying any Starbucks. Last time, I thought it was expensive and not worth the money. But right, there's a Starbucks near monash residence and it has became our habit to buy one per week. It was ridiculous by the way, we thought of rewarding ourselves after we have finished up the assignments and handed in time... It just make me feel quite nostalgia when I warned myself of not buying any Starbucks beverages last time. But how many have I bought ever since I stepped into Monash?. You really have no idea... Let's see the evidence:

And this is only one part of it as not I didn't take picture every time I buy. These are only from facebook photo uploads. (:  

holiday? (:

Hey guys. the holiday is FINALLY here. It is a sad thing by the way, because the days after this short break are going to be LIKE shit. Seriously?. people around kept asking why am I saying buseh as if the course i am taking is much like medicine or some sort of those. But honestly, no jokes, i have reports, quizzes, tutorial, online tasks every week. Those assignments really straggle me until I almost suffocated every time. It is not that i kept on procrastinate the jobs. It was because the assignments due too fast that when I successfully handed in one report, the assignment is due the another day. I was given a week time to finish up 2 reports and whole bunch of online quizzes. For your information, there's quizzes available per unit and i am taking 4 in one semester (and somehow right, there would be a few quizzes in one unit). So, it might be 2-3 quizzes clashed and due in one day. How am I suppose to study so much. There has restricted GOOGLE search, MyFGod!.
And don't ask me how I have gotten white hair and it's shiny and ironically, people came with "OH, sylvia, YOU have white hair."  

But hey, my university life might be like shit, I never going to blame how much I hate my university life. If you fucking hate it and couldn't take it, just hide inside your house and be a baby kid. How dare you possibly say how unsatisfied you are toward the university or some sort. Do you think you are the only "student" that struggling with this? You think we are not?. So, if we can stand it and why should you voice out shits?. immature BABY, knows only how to study and do according to SELF-benefit things. What's the word?. YEAH, Selfish bitch!! (: