I Love You



Monday, July 9, 2012


现代的电脑技术真荒谬. 手握着"不懂什么东西" 就可以查出有什么病痛. 真是有够好笑.

一张字出来, 写着有的没有的烂东西.

1. 我说: 7天之内, 有5天我是吃水果的.
他说: 什么水果?
我说: 大多数苹果或橙
他说: 那我建议你吃kiwi..
我心说: 你就当苹果和橙不是水果吗?

2. 他说: 你是不是很常吃海鲜?
   我说: 我有海鲜敏感. 
   他: 无语

3. 他说: 你骨质缺少 calcium 
  我说: 我不常运动, 之前没严重受伤, 又不是老人. calcium不该流失吧?

4. 他说: 我的血管弹性差. 
  我说: 那我的心是不是也要跳快一点, 所以血才通?.

想骗老娘, 不懂本小姐是读这科的吗. 
我不讲衰你, 我才对不起我之前那么辛苦读的科目叻. 

Friday, July 6, 2012

days after exam 06.07

HELLO!. long time no see, how are you, readers?!

yeah! i have approximately one month holiday after the examination. Examination have always driven me crazy.
During exam, I have always wondered and hoped the exam can end as quickly. It was like going through hell every semester, though i knew the holiday is the reward right after. But it is very extreme period. The time I felt like heaven while going through hell was ~ "forced" to eat and stay away from books.

During holiday, I planned to watch all the movies and dramas, as many as I could. And i found those "recommended" dramas are too good. *laugh*
I felt so guilty for being so flower-hearted. Why?
Cause I ADMIRE every main male actor after watching every drama. OMGEE, how could they be so handsome and caring?.
my god! Those traits that I hoped to get a boyfriend like them!! (:

Anyway, realizing how realistic a man would be in this REAL world, I'm losing hope...
They are not real??!.

ARGH!! no way!!. I'll find someone like them one day. *smile*!!!... (:

What?. I'm enjoying life... i like to move it move it, CHEER all!. :D

Don't be envious at people who look happy. You would never knew their problems. Who knows if they are acting (hopefully not).. But my point is don't let others to control your emotion unless he/she is someone very important...

Last but not least, strive for your happiness. Something that couldn't buy with $cash$, Real happiness I mean. To me, it's very easy to get happy.. A favourite song will do. (:

Thursday, July 5, 2012


不在乎天长地久, 只在乎曾经拥有. 到底这句名言, 需要花上多少的时间,才让人领悟.
往事是我们的历史, 即使时空逆转, 也不会改变. 
不开心的历史, 虽然很残酷, 但总是要面对.

所以是不是不开心, 不完美, 那遗憾的故事, 才会让人喜欢呢?

就想那部有名的戏, titanic 一样, 不能够在一起, 所以会铭记于心. 
虽然感触很深, 虽然看悲伤爱情戏总是让我情绪失控. 但, 我还是自投落网地看了再看.
也许, 这一点就是让观众们的喜爱吧!  

不再想, 那以前所留下的遗憾.