because thing has changed so tremendously.
u has made me loved u.
but, u made me hate u now!..
from now on,
i will be talking less n less.
because language spoken isn't for u to hear.
u said this, fine. i will be stopped talking.
like hell, BORED you out to no where.
u see, things can get really simple sometimes.
i have always pay my respect.
even if u thought i didn't respect u as a lecturer and whatsoever.
it is fine.
everyone knows that
i freaking hate smoker!..
but i didn't show my disrespect attitude to you.
what deh hell u expecting?.
You always acted like you wouldn't mind.
but who knows.
I'd seen the real colour of u.
u totally changed my mind to you.
maybe u shouldn't be prejudice towards me while everybody does the same
and i was the only one getting *ADVICE*!
maybe if u knew i am a sensitive girl,
u shouldn't say it to me.
maybe u wouldn't say this
if u knew i am going to hate you!
but things done can never be changed.